Updates on the International Relations Committee

The IRC Chair, Jana Fogaca, opens our new newsletter, welcomes readers, and provides an update on the IRC’s endeavors.

May 9, 2021

Jana Fogaca, Ph.D.

IRC Chair, Assistant Professor, Department of Kinesiology, California State University, Long Beach

The International Relations Committee (IRC) has been working hard to support AASP’s IRC mission of supporting international members and connecting AASP with international institutions, professionals, and aspiring sport psychology consultants. In collaboration with other committees, such as the Diversity Committee and the Advocacy Committee, the IRC conducted several initiatives, including the International Jamboree, international sport psychology news on Twitter, and celebration of international days and sports events on social media. Most of the IRC members have been international students and understand many of the struggles of seeking education in a foreign country, the challenges of networking, and the nuances of deciding between going back to their home country or staying in the country they studied after graduation. With these challenges in mind, the IRC decided to start a newsletter directed to international students, including aspiring international students, which will be released twice a year. The focus is to inform and support international students who may be going through similar struggles that those on the committee, as well as others, have gone through.

In this issue, readers will have the opportunity to learn more about sport psychology in Australia; obtain information about upcoming professional development events from around the world; attain tips about studying, researching, and working internationally; learn more about international sport psychology consultants who decided to study abroad and return to their country of origin; and read advice on how to choose a graduate school. This is the first edition of the IRC’s International Student Newsletter and we hope that you find it useful. We are also extremely interested in your feedback and ideas for future issues. Please email us at aaspirc@gmail.com with suggestions and feedback.